
BareMetal Domain Rates CAN

Prices in Canadian dollars.
Click here to view prices in US dollars.

Registration Prices
Suffix  1 year  2 years  3 years  5 years  10 years
.ca $14.49 $28.11 $42.17 $68.10 $130.41
.us $18.99 $37.21 $55.82 $92.08 $180.37
.com $21.44 $42.01 $63.02 $103.96 $203.64
.net $22.25 $43.17 $64.75 $106.81 $206.95
.org $22.25 $43.61 $65.42 $107.92 $211.40
.info $27.70 $54.28 $81.43 $134.33 $263.12
.biz $30.42 $59.62 $89.43 $147.53 $288.97
Renewal Prices
Suffix  1 year  2 years  5 years  9 years
.ca $14.49 $28.11 $68.10 $117.37
.us $18.99 $37.21 $92.08 $162.33
.com $21.44 $42.01 $103.96 $183.28
.net $22.25 $43.17 $106.81 $186.25
.org $22.25 $43.61 $107.92 $190.26
.info $27.70 $54.28 $134.33 $236.80
.biz $27.70 $54.28 $134.33 $236.80
Transfer Prices
Suffix  1 year
.ca $14.49
.us $18.99
.com $21.44
.net $22.25
.org $22.25
.info $27.70
.biz $27.70

Note: Transfer price includes a 1 year extension. You will get the full 1 year extension no matter when the transfer is done.

Note: HST/GST will be added for Canadian clients.