Canadian web-hosting and domain-registration specialists since 1995.
Looking to register a domain name? See these links for our services and prices.
Details on our hosting services are here.
March 2025: Tucows (our .COM wholesale provider) is going to hit us with a pricing increase April 1st. We will transition to another provider but clients with .com/net/org domains renewing in April or May would be well advised to renew them in March. (.CA domains are not affected, we get those direct from CIRA.)
Feb 2025: BareMetal is 100% canadian owned and staffed. All our servers are located in Canada.
Jan 2025: PHP-FPM is now supported. DKIM and ARC signing of e-mail messages has been enhanced/added.
Dec 2024: SSL now works on the park/redirect/business card services included with our domain registrations.